How to Get the Best Out of Your CoolSculpting Session! (Important Post-Treatment Care)

CoolSculpting is an amazing fat reduction technique and is a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure in the U.S. today. Alternative techniques like liposuction are slowly losing their appeal because of the risks associated, given the invasive nature of these procedures.

If you're looking for a CoolSculpting practice near you, we recommend coming to Aesthetic Gynecology Specialists of WNY - an experienced and trusted clinic in Buffalo, NY. Our certified CoolSculpting specialists have helped hundreds of patients reach their fat reduction goals through this FDA-cleared treatment.

An Overview of the CoolSculpting Procedure

What is CoolSculpting? Introduced in 2010, CoolSculpting (or Cryolipolysis) is a non-invasive treatment that is geared toward body contouring. It precisely freezes targeted fat cells that lie under the skin, cools and eventually crystallizes them.

Once these cells are destroyed, the liver deconstructs them in the 8-12 weeks following the procedure and eliminates the crystallized cells from the body.

CoolSculpting uses an applicator that resembles a suction hose, and with every treatment. The size of the applicator used will vary based on the expanse of the treatment area, its location, and how easy/tricky it is to access. About 20% of fat is pulled into the hose, thus reducing the fat cell count permanently.

Now when we use the word 'permanent' we mean that the results are long-lasting only if the patient maintains a fit lifestyle moving forward.

A question we get asked is; Can you gain weight after CoolSculpting? Absolutely! There is always the possibility of the remaining fat cells expanding in size and causing the patient to pack on the pounds again if they do not exercise regularly and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Which areas of the body are ideal for CoolSculpting? The most common areas that patients seek to treat are;

  •      Stomach
  •      Flanks (love handles)
  •      Bra fat
  •      Thighs
  •      Back
  •      Arms
  •      Chin

This procedure has had immense success in women and men alike. Even high-profile celebrities like Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian have given CoolSculpting a stellar endorsement because of the simplicity and effectiveness of the treatment.

The Ideal Candidate for CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is ideal for those patients who have stubborn pockets of fat in the stomach, thighs, neck, lower back and arms that refuse to go away even with the right diet and exercise. It is not a quick fix for those patients who are obese.

In short, the ideal candidate for this treatment is someone who maintains a healthy lifestyle but needs to get rid of excess fat that may have accumulated due to childbirth, aging, and other uncontrollable factors.

What to Expect Before the Treatment

The first step in the process is scheduling an appointment with your physician so that they can examine your medical history, body type, and lifestyle habits and determine whether you would be a good candidate.

The CoolSculpting applicator can only be applied to those areas that have 'pinchable' fat, that is, excess flab that can be tugged or grabbed. Your physician will also set certain real expectations as to how many sessions you will need and what you should and shouldn't expect from the procedure.

What to Expect During the Treatment

Each area can take about 60 minutes to be treated by the applicator. Seeing as the pain experienced is minimal with perhaps a minor numbness, the patient is able to sleep or read a book during their session.

Because of its non-surgical nature, no anesthesia is needed during and no medications are prescribed after the treatment. You can return to work as soon as your session is done.

Your doctor may suggest getting more than one area treated per session so as to reduce overall treatment times.

What to Expect After the Treatment

How long does it take to see results of CoolSculpting? It takes about 3 weeks for the initial results to kick in, with the final results showing up after 6 months. In most cases, patients have to wait at least 30 days between one session and the next.

In a majority of cases, patients will have to undergo two or three sessions until they reach their fat reduction goal.

Our doctors often get asked; What can I expect after CoolSculpting? There is little to no downtime after the session. Minor side effects like bruising, tingling, soreness, redness and numbness could arise in the treated area, though these symptoms subside quickly.

Some patients have reported that the treated skin has become a tad discolored, however, your doctor should easily be able to address this with a topical cream or medication.

Important Post-Treatment Care

If you are experiencing any post-session pain, it's important to convey these to your doctor right away.

Any pain or swelling can be addressed with over-the-counter painkillers - but make sure you always check with your doctor before you take anything. For further pain relief, you can try;

     Deep breathing
     Gentle exercises
     Warm compresses
     Massage therapy
     Guided imagery

To be comfortable and accelerate your relief after the treatment, we recommend the following;

     Wear comfortable clothing and try Spanx or other such compression clothing
     Keep the treated areas exercised so that they don't fall into disuse
     Report any severe effects to your doctor immediately

Can you take a bath after CoolSculpting?

It's advisable to not take a steam shower or use a sauna as excessive heat applied to the skin during the 24-hour period following the treatment can reverse any positive effects.

How do you massage after CoolSculpting? The specialists will administer a 2-minute massage after the treatment that involves vigorous kneading and circular massages. This further breaks down fat cells and improves the therapeutic outcome by as high as 60%.

Besides the above, it is very very important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise plan following the surgery. This is one of the only ways to ensure that the results last for as long as possible. Don't be afraid to ask your doctor for guidance on how to maintain the contouring effects of the procedure.

The Amazing Benefits of CoolSculpting Are Within Your Reach!

The team at Aesthetic Gynecology Specialists of WNY have extensive training and knowledge about CoolSculpting and can help you achieve your desired fat reduction goals.

But first. We encourage questions - Ask as many as you like! We are standing by right now. Contact us and we'd be happy to help.

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About The Author

Dr. Armen Kirakosyan

Armen Kirakosyan, MD, FACOG, FPMRS, FRCSC, FACS is an obstetrician/gynecologist, certified by American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, American College of Surgeons, and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. He has received subspecialty certification in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery (former Urogynecology).

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